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Restaurants near Breeze NAN SHAN

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A photo of 辛殿麻辣鍋 Xin Dian Hotpot 信義店 Xinyi restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Xinyi District
Booked 32 times today
⏰ 門市營業時間AM 11:30 ~ AM 01:30 最後入場為PM23:30,中場時段無休息。?門市資訊松江店|台北市中山區松江路129-4號02-25037667信義店|台北市信義區松壽路28號02-27227667公館店|中正區羅斯福路三段316巷9弄1號02-77337667?消費方式平日午餐 | 供應時段 AM11:30-PM15:30成人 $698 +10% 服務費 兒童 $349 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )*午餐時段無供應牛小排 平日晚餐 | PM16:00-AM1:30 假日全天 | AM11:30~AM1:30成人$798 +10% 服務費兒童$399+10% 服務費( 身高 110cm -140cm )幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm )全時段用餐時間限定 2 小時。?訂位須知1、本店設有低消限制平日 PM18:00- PM20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。假日 AM11:30-12:00、PM18:00-20:00 低消需達 4 位大人。2、最低用餐人數需達 2 位以上。3、預約人數超過 8 位以上請電洽門市預約。4、若有特殊定位需求請於一個月前電話訂位(如:超過20位以上、包場)。5、訂位無保留時間,請準時至現場報到以免影響用餐權益。6、恕不接受指定座位,若有幼童、孕婦、年長者、行動不便者,如有特殊座位需求請電洽門市預約。7、本店沒有收開瓶費,可自備酒水用餐 。8、因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。?候位須知現場候位:每天中午11:30開始開放登記,依現場或電話登記為主,需有預訂客人取消才能遞補,依序喊號若無補上不會電話通知。
A photo of 都一處 仁愛店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Xinyi District
訂位請留中文全名一、訂位保留十分鐘:超過時間即取消訂位,將由現場服務人員安排候補二、用餐時間:100分鐘三、若臨時更改人數,請致電訂位專線確認位置是否可以調整。四、若線上訂位已額滿,有保留部分電話訂位,可撥打訂位專線詢問現場有無座位。五、若有桌菜需求或需訂購蔥油餅,可於營業時間撥打訂位專線確認。六、超過14位以上請致電訂位專線。七、如有行動不便的需求,請提前告知。如有其他需求,歡迎致電內湖店地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路258巷31號訂位專線: 02-26562600仁愛店地址:台北市信義區仁愛路四段506號訂位專線: 02-27206417匯款帳號:048-09-01786-6兆豐國際商業銀行 信義分行銀行代碼:017匯款戶名:都一處有限公司UBER EATS 合作店家歡迎至平台搜尋都一處 仁愛店都一處 內湖店
A photo of 阿豬媽아줌마韓式烤肉 信義ATT店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Barbecue • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
A photo of 無老鍋 台北信義店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Xinyi District
Booked 7 times today
[Information for Reservation]*Reservation should be made 3 hours before arrival.*Online bookings are available 60 days ahead.*We can only reserve your booking for 10 minutes and the dining time limits 90 minutes.*Table for five will be arranged with long table(according to different configuration by each store, 5 people would be a little crowded in some stores). While making the reservation for more than 5 people, please contact us by phone or email. *Any cancellation or adjustment, please contact us in advance.
A photo of Mo-Mo-Paradise 台北NEO19牧場 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
A photo of 永心鳳茶奶茶專門所 微風南山艾妥列 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Taiwanese • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
歡迎來到永心鳳茶奶茶專門所的線上訂位系統!用餐前 30 天開放訂位,最晚訂位時間為用餐當天的 2 個小時之前。線上訂位僅提供店內用餐座位,吧檯座位及戶外座位只提供現場安排。礙於桌位安排,線上訂位只接受 4 人以下客人,不提供分桌、指定桌位與併桌服務,人數超過 4 人、多人數訂位及特殊服務需求,請電洽02-27220876。現場用餐時間為90分鐘,唯現場服務人員會視情況彈性調整時間。訂位時間內未到,該位置保留10分鐘後則取消訂位。若有其他問題導致無法準時入座,請直接來電告知時間異動並於現場等候安排座位。請詳細閱讀訂位規則,若有任何疑問請電話洽詢 謝謝您的配合!
A photo of Florian福里安花神 信義新天地 A9 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Italian • Xinyi District
Booked 4 times today
A photo of 辛巴適麻辣鍋 台北1號店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Shabu-shabu • Xinyi District
【從外島澎湖發跡一路到台北信義,辛巴適全台五家直營門市皆獲在地好評】辛巴適正式成立於2019年,創辦人為澎湖囝仔,一開始因為岳母跟太太愛吃辣,但是小島漁村沒有像台灣本島有專業職人的麻辣火鍋,於是從「舌尖上的中國」自學菜譜,再討教幾位澎湖在地的四川媳婦,後來研究出興趣,為了真正延續中國川味文化,於是親自飛四川洪崖洞品嚐麻辣火鍋一條街,最後加以改良成台灣人愛喝湯並且能接受的溫馴麻辣湯底。「巴適」一詞來自中國四川方言,表達出對人生知足常樂的態度,大體的意思是「舒服」「非常好」「好棒」,四川人常說「巴適得板」意指一個人或一件事或一樣東西好的不得了。辛巴適創辦人由衷希望貴賓來店品嚐麻辣鍋時,除了食材巴適、湯頭巴適、氣氛巴適同時也讓您真正覺得人生巴適得板。台灣人愛吃辣,十個有四個會吃辣,但是大多數的麻辣鍋為了增加香氣及層次感都會增添牛油。創辦人考量許多人不吃牛,但又要增加麻辣香氣,於是乎不計成本使用超過13種香料食材,溫馴對味,讓湯頭無牛油成分,成就一鍋可以直接喝的麻辣湯。除了用美味吸引饕客,華麗而繽紛的裝潢也是門庭若市的主要原因。這次辛巴適轉戰到台北信義區,光是裝潢就花了九百萬,除了打造高級麻辣火鍋店的視覺包裝外,創辦人更是在味覺上下足功夫。 除了沿用傳統大骨跟雞骨熬煮的湯頭外,還用七種特殊蔬菜水果馬鈴薯跟茶葉燉煮成獨特高湯,可以除熱降火,而且絕對清新爽口,打造出辛巴適獨特的風格。這次辛巴適四大主題:「大口吃肉、大碗喝酒、大富大貴、大得巴適」,主打頂級和牛吃到飽跟比利時啤酒喝到飽,以親民的價位,高檔的食材擄獲大眾的心。創辦人對於時尚餐飲有一套獨特的祕訣。這次辛巴適台北1號店裝潢年輕化、食材深度化,全家圍爐、朋友聚餐、情侶約會、公司尾牙,通通適合。相信辛巴適進軍台北將為餐飲市場注入一股新生命力。▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️辛巴適麻辣鍋台北1號店訂位電話:02-77379784營業時間:11:00-22:00門市地址:110台北市信義區松壽路12號5樓(ATT百貨5樓)#辛巴適麻辣鍋台北1號店 #辛巴適麻辣鍋 #辛巴適 #台北麻辣鍋 #台北火鍋 #台北美食 #澎湖美食 #澎湖火鍋 #澎湖麻辣鍋 #麻辣鍋新品牌
A photo of 隨意鳥地方餐飲集團 大安東尼 Da Antonio 台北101店(5F) restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Bistro • Xinyi District
Booked 3 times today
Notes* Change the Language Please press the upper right sphere of language options*※即使是無法訂位的日子,請來電洽詢,有時候也能幫您備好座位。If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※網路訂位系統無法指定座位。Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area※如果無法選擇您要的人數,請來電洽詢。訂席專線02-81018268Please to make us a call +886-2-81018268 or send us an e-mail:daantonio1015f@gmail.com we will arrange for you※若是訂當天的座位,請來電洽詢。※若要變更或取消訂位,請來電洽詢。※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time※您訂位時提供的電話號碼或電子郵件若是有誤的話,將視為您取消訂位。請務必輸入正確的電話號碼和電子郵件。※若無事先通知而訂位卻沒來的話,以後可能無法再接受您的訂位。
A photo of Smith & Wollensky restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• American • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
**【Dec.24 & Dec.25 Xmas Dinner】**-Serving Hours: 17:00~22:00 (Last Order at 21:00)-Exclusive Christmas Set Menu Only, NT$5,980 per person-Dining Time Limit: 2 hours-Deposit: NT$1,000 per person (required to secure your booking). Guests booking online will receive a confirmation call for deposit arrangements.-Please note that a meal order is required for every child occupying a seat.[View event menu and details](https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/news/taipei/news-20241025)**【Dec. 31 DINNER】**-Serving Hours: 17:00~21:00; Dining time limit: 2hr。-Exclusive Set Menu Only, NT$5,980 per person.-Deposit: NT$1,000 per person (required to secure your booking). Guests booking online will receive a confirmation call for deposit arrangements.-Please note that a meal order is required for every child occupying a seat.[Dec. 31 Dinner Set Menu]( https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/news/taipei/news-ny20241028)★New Year's Eve dinner reservations are only accepted by phone at +886 2 2345-5647.[View event details and menu]( https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/news/taipei/news-ny20241028)**【Reservation Policy】**1.Reservations for the next month will open on the first day of every month via online, on-site, and telephone booking. Online booking is only open for a maximum of 4 people. To reserve a table for over 4 people, please contact us through phone calls by dialing +886 2-2345-5647. We will charge an advanced deposit for private rooms and group reservations (over 7 people).2.Seat assignment requests are unavailable. If you have a special request (e.g; wheelchair access, stroller, etc.), please contact us by email or phone call. For birthdays and anniversaries, please make a note in the Occasion section.3.After completing the booking process, you will receive an SMS message to confirm your reservation. If you want to cancel the reservation, please click the cancellation button through the link provided in your SMS message.4.Reservations are secured for 15 minutes of tardiness.5.We have a corkage fee of NTD$1000 per bottle.6.Please kindly understand that high chairs and children's utensils are unavailable.7.Please note that animals are not allowed in the restaurant (except guide dogs).8.Last order time: Sun.~Thu. 21:00; Fri.~Sat. 22:009.For more information on private rooms and special events, please visit our [website](https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/event/taipei)

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黑武士特色老火鍋 信義A9店


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