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●故宮晶華,午餐提供單點、合菜及套餐,吃到飽只提供晚餐時段。●參考菜單[單點菜單](、[吃到飽(僅提供晚餐)](、[1F合菜菜單](及[素食套餐](,惟B2府城晶華暫不開放。同時,也可以透過[晶華美食到你家](提供美食外帶外送平台服務,在家就能輕鬆享受五星美味。【 線上訂位須知 】*2/1起晚間營業時間調整為17:00-20:30,訂位時間為17:00及19:00*開放一個月內之訂位,當日不開放線上訂位。*座位保留十分鐘,逾時視同訂位取消,將不另行通知。*訂位人數請含孩童人數,以符合用餐舒適度。*座位之安排係依照貴賓訂位先後順序及當日現場營運安排為主;指定桌號及包廂恕無法提供線上訂位,請洽餐廳服務人員訂位。*指定座位酌收費用每桌NT$500元,付款後即可指定座位,如有靠窗需求或需與友人相鄰,歡迎多加使用。指定費無法折抵餐飲及退費。*若使用餐券,使用規則以及餐價請依券上使用說明,不適用餐券日期12/24-25、12/31、2025/1/1、1/25-2/2、2/28-3/2、4/3-4/6、5/10-11。營業時間如下:*平日(週二至週五)中餐:11:30am-2:30pm晚餐:5:00pm-8:30pm*假日(週六、週日及國定假日)中餐:11:00am-3:00pm晚餐:5:00pm-8:30pm吃到飽收費如下(適用兩人以上):大人NT$1399+10%(孩童身高130公分以上視同大人)孩童NT$699+10%(孩童身高小於130公分)孩童100CM以下免費,用餐時間100分鐘*吃到飽每人餐後贈送哈根達斯冰淇淋迷你杯 1 杯,口味依現場提供為準*2025年度信用卡優惠配合[美國運通簽帳白金卡以上](,特殊節慶假日、外帶及外賣、內用後之打包恕不適用合作信用卡優惠。2025特殊節慶假日如下:元旦假期(01/01)、農曆新年期間(1/25-2/2)、西洋情人節期間(2/14-2/16)、和平紀念日連假期間(2/28-3/2)、清明連假期間(4/3-4/6)、勞動節(5/1)、母親節期間(5/10-5/11)、端午節期間(5/30-6/1)、父親節期間(8/8-8/10)、七夕情人節期間(8/29-8/31)、中秋節連假期間(10/4-10/6)、國慶日連假期間(10/10-10/12)、聖誕節期間(12/24-12/25)、跨年(12/31-2025/01/01),以及餐廳特殊主題活動等均不適用。*自備酒水服務費收取方式:葡萄酒每瓶NT500、烈酒每瓶NT1,000。
Booked 15 times today
DIMSUM KITCHENBUFFET HOURS/PRICE(per head)Monday-FridayLUNCH 11:30-14:00 $660DINNER 17:30-21:00 $660Saturday, Sunday & HolidayLUNCH 11:00-15:00 $720DINNER 17:00-21:00 $720Kids Special DiscountFREE OF CHARGE(Height under 100cm)HALF PRICE(Height100~140cm)10% service fee is not included. We have 120 minutes limits.RESERVATION POLICIES》All reservations will be secured for 10 minutes from the original reservation time.》Tables more than 5 people are allocated on the day by the restaurant team and next table maybe be applied. We will do everything we can to allocate a table in your preferred area but cannot guarantee this.》There is a half-price charge for kids 100-140cm. Please indicate on your reservation about” the amount of adults/kids “so we can do the best arrangement for you.》Reservations are available online up to 30 days in advance. 》We accept online reservation up to 10 people. For Group size larger than 10 / Private events, please contact us via phone-call for further details.》We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
Booked 9 times today
1.Please fill in desired dining period or number of people for reservation (a confirmation notification will be sent via SMS after reservation is completed).2.Reservations for the day and within the next month are available.The maximum number of people for reservation is 8 (reservations number of people over 8 must be made through phone calls).3.Please make a note if children’s highchairs or children’s dining ware are required.4.If you have made a reservation successfully but need to alter the number of people, please cancel the original reservation directly in the system and make a new reservation in the system.5.If the number of people needs to be changed on the dining day, please attempt to make a new reservation or call to inquire in order to ensure whether or not the reservation has already been altered; suitable seats may not be arranged on-site if we are not informed in advance of the change in the number of people.6.If the desired dining period or number of people for reservation cannot be selected, it means that the period is already fully booked, please choose other dining periods.7.Reservations for Roast Peking Duck from Chiu Yuet Fong must be made 3 days in advance.“Hot Pot/Japanese Cuisine/Sushi” section is available at Haruyama Japanese Cuisine, please enter the text at the text note in the back.8.Any dietary restrictions can be noted and revised via the online reservation system 5 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date)**Deposite Policy:**For reservations that has 15 or more people, a NT$500/person deposit is required. The deposit will be fully refundable if cancellation is made 7 days prior to the reservation day (not including the reserved date).
Booked 3 times today
*Business Hours* Sunday-Thursday | Friday-Saturday 17:00~00:00 | 17:00~01:00 Last seating at 22:00 | Last seating at 23:00 Last order at 23:00 | Last order at 24:00 ?Dining time is 90 minutes, starting from the reservation time. Seats will be held for 15 minutes; if we are unable to reach you after this time, the reservation will be considered canceled, and the deposit will be forfeited. *Reservation Policy* 1. Bar seating reservations open 30 days in advance, while private rooms open 60 days in advance. Reservations are open at 2pm. 2. A deposit of NT$1,000 per person is required for reservations, and the reservation will be confirmed only after payment is completed within the specified time frame. 3. The minimum spend per person is NT$3,000, and for children, it is NT$1,500 (regardless of age, as long as they occupy a seat). ?For groups of 7 or more, the minimum spend per person is NT$4,000.? The minimum spend does not include beverages or service fees.4. Corkage fee: You can bring one bottle of your own for each bottle purchased at the restaurant. NT$800 for each 720ml bottle and NT$1,600 for each 1.8L bottle. (Charges are based on size, not type of alcohol.)*Seating Arrangements* We are a bar-style yakiniku restaurant with a 6-person table and two private rooms for 8 people. *6-Person Table Reservation* (Open Seating) Deposit: NT$6,000, Minimum spend: NT$24,000 (Beverages and service fees not included) Dining time is 2 hours.*8-Person Private Room Reservation* (Two rooms available) Deposit: NT$8,000, Minimum spend: NT$40,000 Water service fee: NT$960 (Beverages and service fees not included) Available time slots: 17:00-19:00 19:30-21:30 Dining time is 2 hours.*12-Person Large Private Room Reservation* Deposit: NT$12,000, Minimum spend: NT$90,000 Water service fee: NT$1,440 (Beverages and service fees not included) No time limit for dining.※Once the private room deposit is paid, rescheduling or cancellation is not allowed.※⚠⚠For larger groups or exclusive bookings, please message us on Facebook or call 02-2711-0179.⚠⚠ ?Canceling a Reservation? Same-day changes to reservations are not allowed. To cancel a reservation, please contact us at least 3 days before the reservation date (not including the reservation day) for a full refund of the deposit. If canceled within 3 days, only half of the deposit will be refunded. No refund for cancellations on the day of the reservation.For example: If the reservation is for 12/10 Cancel before 12/6 for a 100% refund of the deposit. Cancel between 12/7 and 12/9 for a 50% refund. No refund if canceled on 12/10.Da-Wan reserves the right to cancel or change reservations in case of unavoidable circumstances♦You are welcome to bring your own cake, and we can assist with birthday celebrations after the meal.♦ ⛔Please read and agree to the above policies before completing your reservation
Booked 2 times today
為維護貴賓們的訂位權益,2024 / 1/ 1起用餐訂位,將採信用卡訂金制,訂金計算方式依人數計算,每位酌收$500元訂金。【用餐辦法】1. 用餐時間120分鐘。2. 訂位皆保留10分鐘,超過保留時間,請提前致電已預約分店進行告知。3. 接受一個月的線上預約,6位以上或特殊訂位需求(如:包場或商業需求)請透過電話聯繫門店,將有專人為您服務。【訂位規則】訂位依人數每位收取$500訂金,訂位若需修改,請於訂位二日前告知變更或取消,則不另外收取任何費用;若無故於一日前取消者,餐廳將收取50%訂金;當日取消者,餐廳將收取全額費用。‼️如遇天災或突發狀況可不扣取任何費用,但需提前致電已預約分店進行告知。‼️線上訂位會自動排訂座位,需要指定座位請致電告知。
$$$$Price: Very Expensive
• American • Zhongshan District
【營業時間】午餐:11:30-15:00 (最後點餐時間:14:00)晚餐:17:30-22:30 (最後點餐時間:21:00)【訂位須知】・開放訂位時間:本餐廳每月1日11:30 AM開放次月的訂位,可同時接受當月及次月整個月的訂位。特殊節日如情人節、耶誕節等另訂開放時間。・線上訂位僅接受八人(含)以下訂位,若訂位人數超過九人(含)以上或包廂預訂請於營業時間電洽各門市或e-mail與我們聯繫。・訂位需預先綁定每人新台幣500元整,於期限內完成信用卡綁訂預付程序並收到確認郵件/簡訊,即視為訂位成功。・完成訂位前請再次確認訂位日期、用餐時間、訂位大名、人數及食材禁忌等。・線上系統僅接受VISA、MASTER、JCB。・本餐廳僅接電話、官方網站上的『聯絡我們』及官網線上訂位系統方式預約訂位。恕不接受經由社群軟體留言,訊息或其他非官方網站等地訂位,感謝您的諒解。・訂位保留15分鐘,未能準時出席,請電話(02-85015900)通知訂位門市。・如需更改或取消預訂,最晚請於訂位時間前6小時,來電或透過網路訂位系統進行變更。・若於用餐前6小時以內取消、或當天未抵達用餐之訂位,將收取每人500元臨時取消費用(款項將自預定時輸入之信用卡收取)。・訂位時註明特殊用餐需求(飲食禁忌/過敏食材/慶祝姓名備註/服務語言)・因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。・如有私人包場或特別活動訂位需求, 請透過電話或電子郵件 ( 與我們聯絡。・每週六、日及特殊節日晚餐時段,用餐時間為兩小時。・2/14午餐、2/15-16低消為每人(12歲以上)需點一份主餐;2/14晚餐時段低消為每人需點一份套餐。(2/14晚上用餐時間限制為兩個小時。)【注意事項】・禁用外食/外帶飲料。・如有特殊需求或協助,請備註欄內註記。(兒童椅、行動不便者)・座位安排依現場狀況為準,不接受指定座位服務。・餐廳空間有限,如需更改人數請提前告知。・恕不接受寵物入內(導盲犬除外)。・自備酒水酌收開瓶費NT$ 500 (以750ml為基準如超過以倍數計算),烈酒每瓶NT$1000。・請不要穿著帶有歧視或攻擊性語言的衣服、過於暴露的內衣、短褲與背心與居家拖鞋。【交通資訊】・無特約停車場。・大眾運輸:捷運劍南路捷運站3號出口,步行約5-7分鐘。
Booked 46 times today
2025 Year Price & Time Breakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$2080+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1380+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$2080+10% per person●Special holidays in 2025 are as follows:New Year’s Day (1/1), Chinese New Year Festival (1/25-2/2), Valentine's Day(2/14-16), peace remembrance day(2/28-3/2),Tomb Sweeping Day& Children's Day (4/3-4/6),Mother's Day (5/10-5/111), Dragon Boat Festival (5/30-6/1), Father's Day (8/8-10),Chinese Valentine's Day(8/29-31), Moon Festival (10/4-10/6), National Day (10/10-10/12), Christmas Day (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Day(12/30- 2026/1/1)💡The reserved seat will be reserved for 10 minutes. If it exceeds the time limit, the reservation will be canceled without further notice.💡Please include the number of children in your reservation to ensure dining comfort.💡Children under 100cm in height are free of charge; children over 100cm in height but less than 130cm in height are charged half price for the meal period.💡Online reservations are not available for designated table numbers and private rooms. Please contact the restaurant service staff to make reservations.💡If the same group makes online reservations with different names, we will not be able to provide table sharing requests.💡Meal prices and business hours for consecutive national holidays and special festivals are subject to on-site announcements.💡The service fee for bringing your own wine is NT500 per bottle of wine and NT1,000 per bottle of spirits.💡Discounts cannot be combined.💡If you use a meal coupon, please follow the instructions on the coupon for usage rules and meal prices.💡Special festivals, national holidays and private rooms are not applicable to cooperative credit card discounts and meal coupons2024 Year Price & TimeBreakfast (Monday to Sunday) 6:30~10:00 NT$880+10% per person★ Weekday meal timesLunch (Monday to Friday) 11:30~14:00 NT$1580+10% per personAfternoon tea (Monday to Friday) 14:30~16:30 NT$1080+10% per personDinner (Monday to Thursday) 17:30~21:30 NT$1680+10% per person★Holiday meal periodFriday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday lunch 11:30~14:00 NT$1980+10% per personHoliday Afternoon Tea 14:30~16:30 NT$1280+10% per personHoliday dinner 17:30~21:30 NT$1980+10% per person●Special holidays in 2024 are as follows:New Year's Day holiday (2024/1/1), Chinese New Year period (2/8-2/14), Peace Memorial Day (2/28), Qingming Festival holiday period (4/4-4/7), Labor Day ( 5/1), Mother’s Day (5/11-5/12), Dragon Boat Festival (6/8-6/10), Father’s Day (8/8), Chinese Valentine’s Day (8/10), Mid-Autumn Festival (9/17), National Day (10/10), Christmas period (12/24-12/25), New Year’s Eve (12/31)
Booked 1 time today
為了確保您與家人的用餐體驗更加舒適,我們提醒您在於 OpenTable 訂位時,請務必將 《大人及兒童人數 注名清楚》
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Located on the fourth floor of Hotel Indigo Taipei North, Spice Market stands as Taiwan's premier and exclusive Thai-themed seafood buffet restaurant. Our buffet counters are filled with a diverse selection of seafood delicacies, complemented by an array of aromatic spices that invite guests to indulge in the authentic flavors of Thailand right in the heart of Taipei city.CUISINEThai-themed seafood buffetTEL.+886-2-8502-6100HOURSWeekdaysLunch: 11:30 – 14:00Dinner: 18:00 – 21:00Weekends Friday Night: 18:00 – 21:00Lunch: 11:30 – 14:30Dinner: 17:30 – 21:00LOCATION4F, No. 200, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
A Specialty Restaurant of 4 Famous Japanese Hotpots.Daily Hotpot Cuisine for Foodies with Delicious, Reliable, and Safe Ingredients. Kurogeya specializes in providing 4 Famous hotpots from Japan, which are Shabu-Shabu, Sukiyaki, Mizutaki, and Motsunabe. High-cost performance, customized combination, and quick service are 3 main features of Kurogeya.As a specialty restaurant providing daily delicacy for foodies, most cuisines are less than $1,000. Customers can easily enjoy Japanese Wagyu starting at $680 and Iberico Pork at $580.
Dining near National Palace Museum at a glance
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